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Product Photography: Tips for Showcasing Your Products Online

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

In the competitive world of ecommerce, where potential customers cannot physically touch or experience your products, high-quality photography becomes your most powerful tool. Effective product photography not only captures the essence of your range but also builds trust and encourages sales. Without a high-quality product image, customers may be wary of what they are about to purchase, be dissatisfied if the image is misleading and look amongst competitors for better content.

Why is product photography so important for ecommerce?

  1. First impressions matter

Your product photos are often the first interaction a customer has with your brand. High-quality images can immediately form a positive impression, showcasing your products as reliable and worth purchasing. In contrast, poor-quality images can lead to mistrust, making potential customers doubt the quality of your products or not meet the correct standards when they actually receive their order.

  1. Boosting conversion rates

Clear, detailed, and visually appealing photos help customers make informed decisions as they will be confident in what they see. When they can see your products from different angles and in different contexts, they are more likely to complete the full customer journey.

  1. Reduces return rates

Accurate and detailed images help set the right expectations but also present exactly what the product looks like without being misleading. When customers receive what they see online, they are less likely to return the product, saving your business time and money. For example, if you are using poor-quality images, the customer may not have a clear vision of the item’s colour, size or fabric which therefore could lead to them sending it back.

  1. Enhances brand identity

Consistent, high-quality photography helps establish a professional and consistent brand identity. Whether you are selling luxury items or budget-friendly goods, your photography should reflect your brand’s values and aesthetic. Many businesses might want to stick to their company colours when it comes to backdrops or many choose to include packaging in one of the photo shots.

Photography tips for advertising your products online

Invest in good lighting

Lighting is one of the most critical elements of product photography no matter what industry you’re in or what product you’re advertising. Natural light is always best, but if you are shooting indoors, consider using softbox lights to diffuse harsh shadows and create a more even light distribution.

Use a clean and simple background

A cluttered background can distract from the product itself. Use a plain white or neutral-coloured background to ensure that your product remains the focal point and there is contrast present. This also helps in post-processing, where you can easily edit the image without dealing with unwanted elements.

Focus on product details

Customers want to see the intricate details of your products, especially if they are of high value or have unique selling points. Use a macro lens or enable the macro setting on your camera to capture close-ups of textures, features, and materials. It is also crucial to show different angles and key details that highlight the product’s quality and functionality.

Showcase your products in context or use model shots

While a simple background is essential for some shots, showing your product in context can help customers visualise how they would use it in real life. For example, if you are selling furniture, show it in a well-decorated room, or for jewellery, use a model shot to show how it looks when styled.

Maintain consistency

Consistency in your photography style creates a cohesive shopping experience and will add to the overall aesthetic of your site. Make sure to use the same lighting, angles, and background for all your products to create a uniform look on your website and build a strong brand identity along the way.

Edit your photos professionally

Post-processing is just as important as the photography itself as this allows you to add any extra edits, remove anything that got in the way and add shadows or lighting where necessary. Use editing software to adjust brightness, contrast, and colour balance to ensure your products look their best. You will however need to ensure that you are not over-editing your products as this can change the colour or overall view that the customer is having.

Optimise image size and file format

While high-quality images are essential, large file sizes can slow down your website, negatively affecting user experience and SEO. Compress your images to reduce file size without compromising quality.

Leverage multiple angles and 360-degree views

Offering multiple images from different angles allows customers to get a comprehensive view of your product. For an even more immersive experience, consider implementing.

Ecommerce website solutions by Imaginaire

Is your luxury ecommerce website looking a little lacklustre? Or perhaps you’re planning to launch a new ecommerce website from scratch?

Make the right first impression with your customers with a professionally designed ecommerce website by Imaginaire.

We’re based in Nottingham and work with clients from across the UK and beyond. We specialise in the luxury sector with various case studies available on our website.

If you’d like us to take a look at your existing website, or discuss ideas for your new ecommerce project then please get in touch. You can also give us a call on 0115 697 1221.

Annie is imaginaire's Digital Marketing Executive and covers topics such as social media, web design, SEO and content.

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